Forum Rules and Regulations

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Forum Rules

To ensure the smooth running of this Forum, we may have some Rules and Regulations about posting stuff defined. Please make sure to read them all and follow or we will take further action.

NO illegal content should be posted here in forums of course. This includes cracks, virus/malware, illegal torrents, or pornography. This also includes links to any other websites which host such content.

No controversial contents
This means posting about politics, religion etc. is prohibited in this forums. Please just do it somewhere else and not here.

No discrimination, harrasment, hate speech or abuse
We do not tolerate racism, sexism and homophobia. Please take it else where

Do not harras players or staff. Abuse and hate speech are included.

English only
Please use english in any boards that are ENGLISH. while we do not discriminate those who speak english and those who are not you can request your own language board for your own language.

Do not reply to Appeal/Complaints request
Unless probably you're contributing or you're involved in the issue you may reply but if you're not involved do not reply.

Avatar and Signatures pictures
- Distracting GIF Signatures pictures are annoying when reading a forum post. You can't use them as a Avatar or Signature UNLESS the animation is very minor and will not distract the person who is reading.
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