- Item beacons (items are now flashing, when you are near them - it's easier to find them that way!)
- Item accessories: Silencer for 9mm pistol & Scope for Hunting rifle.
- Quick-draw weapons. You can now assign 4 favorite weapons to keys: [1-4] to quickly equip them.
- Added /quickSlot command (to assign your weapons to quick-draw slots)
- New Gun Shop custom interior
- Max world items...
- Added support for Virtual Worlds & Interiors for: 1/ NPCs (Infected), 2/ Doors, 3/ Workbenches, 4/ Items
- Fixed issue where you died inside interior, respawned at QZ in wrong Virtual World & Interior IDs
- Deleted 40 NPCs around Los Santos (for interior purposes)
- NPCs(Infected) play their sound effects for players that are in the same interior & virtual world
- Anti Max-Ping is not detecting players that haven't signed in
- Map cannot be used anymore inside Interiors
- Interiors are marked on the Map with ? (question mark) icon. Map shows only some interiors (every server restart they'll differ)
- Added loot in some of the interiors
- Added 1 NPC inside Trailer interior (by Pay 'N Spray)
- Replaced regular GTA SA doors inside Gym with custom Door system (opening, shiving etc.)
- Added Workbench inside Gym
- When strangling you can't perform now any other action (e.g. backpack opening, listen mode distance etc.)
- Fixed issue with Items finding Z position too high (it...
- Fixed internal issue with Streamer_GetIntData returning invalid ID (which was obvious to happen) when recreating dropped item
- Added Emmet's house with loot inside and blocked with doors
- Flashlight now plays sound effect when Toggling ON & OFF
- Added validation to file IO (caused server hand when loading objects)
- Added a list of interior mappings
- Massive changes to area detections (when player is in the area of item, interior pickup, door, gates, fast travel etc.)
- Added support for NPCs to check if player is in the same Interior & Virtual World as they are
- Improved the way system checks for available items to pick-up. Those that are (FULL) are not listed detected anymore
- Added interior system
- Fixed issue where background ambient music wasn't changing (it is supposed to do that, there's a list of songs in the background to be played!)
- Disallow weapon using when player is frozen (probably fixed issue where player's couldn't equip weapons during events)
- Added a freeze on spawn (for low-end PC users) which were getting stuck under the objects on spawn (this can be disabled in /settings > Toggleable settings > Freeze on spawn)
- Fixed issue where NPCs respawned with 0 health (yeah, they were one shot kill)
- Possibly fixed issue where you couldn't equip your guns
- Weathers are set per-player. When player is on event, the weather will not change for him if it changed outside event (for other players in the world).
- Weather & Time will be set to the worlds time once event player has finished the event/left event.
- Time will not advance for players on event
- Tips & Tricks messages will not appear for players on event
- Hiding dialogs on death
- Sending punished player a client message additionally in the chat
- Reduced weapon noise distance (it was way too high)
- When you throw bottle or brick at enemy (players, all infected apart for bloaters, human NPCs) they will get stunned always
- When you equip bottle or brick and...
- Fixed major issue where people were not able to open the backpack
- Fixed issue where Objects - Visible amount wasn't saved & loaded correctly (next time you loaded to the game you didn't see any world objects)
- Fixed event: "Kill The Most Infected". People now spawn correctly.
- Fixed event: Factions - Snow Arena & Factions - Warehouse. When there were too many players playing, it caused them to not load properly.
- Added a mechanism where NPCs left the playable area they will get destroyed from the server and event will proceed to the next wave (Infected Waves) or finish the event (Kill the Most Infected)
- Fixed event prizes, where you weren't given prizes correctly (cards, parts & supplements)
- Changed the amount of specific items (weapons) you get for certain events + added Shorty to Factions - Warehouse
- Fixed issue, where you were falling through the ground on respawn (fingers crossed :)
- Fixed issue where closing reported report (as admin) caused server to...