2021-10-01 | The official launch day

This is it. The release day.
This is the changelog since 20th of Sept.:

- Updated YSF to v2.2
- Fixed deer animations
a) they won't play damage animations
b) they won't play damage (when death) animations on the ground anymore
b) their death animation applies on the first try (preload animation applied)

- Removed NPC Horse class entirely (it will not be used)
- Deer NPC is now running away from Players/NPCs when they see an entity coming towards them
- Deer NPC will now run away in a random location & angle
- Deer NPC will now always RUN instead of randomly walk/run away from entity
- Fixed warehouse NPC spawn positions
- Fixed warehouse Items spawn positions
- Fixed warehouse Shiv door spawn position
- Added Map Zone information (current location) to /settings command
- Server now keeps track of NPCs areas you are in. When you leave the server, the NPCs areas you were in (and there isn't any player in their areas) will put the NPCs to sleep
- Weapon noise reduces by half for NPCs shooting

- Added 213 animations
- Some animations have custom finish animations (for example /sit1, /copLocker [...])
- Some animations have continuous animations (press SPRINT KEY on /sit1, /copLocker, /wallL, /wallR - these are just examples)
- Animations are stopped with JUMP KEY
- /anims to display list of animations
- "/icmd anims" to learn more

- Added /greet system
- Changed MIN value of max ping from 250 to 400 (every server restart, it will apply with that value)
- Toggling player's flashlight OFF on disconnect
- Christmas stuff is available only between 22nd of December to 28th of December that includes:
a) Christmas hat on players & NPCs (yes, bloater with a Christmas hat!)
b) Christmas objects in the connection window intro (Christmas box, hat and a tree!)
- Winter effects are available between 22nd of December till 31st of March that includes:
a) Snow weather (server will automatically do it with weather cycle ID: 12)
b) Winter breath (steam coming out of mouth)

Halloween season objects and attachments are available only at 31st of October that includes:
a) Halloween pumpkin OR witch hat on players & NPCs (attached randomly on respawn)
b) Halloween objects in the connection window intro (Cauldron and pumpkins)
c) Halloween objects all over Los Santos (randomly placed instead of grass objects and custom environment object models - IT DOESN'T REPLACE ALL, it does it randomly)
- During storm, sandstorm and snowing your shouting distance is reduced by half
- It's easier to loose NPC when there's a fog or sandstorm weather
- NPC chase start is 10m instead of 12m when there's a fog or sandstorm weather
- Weapon noise is reduced by half during fog, sandstorm and snow weather

- Added validation to /greet command (you could use IDs that didn't exist)
- Fixed an infinite audio loop from healing
- Supply vendor sells now: 9mm ammo, Revolver ammo, Shotgun ammo
- Fixed listen-mode distance bugging out
- You do triple the damage melee value to NPCs now (doesn't apply to hitting players!)
- Arrows are now more accurate and changed the MAX arrow distance from 40m to 60m
- Fixed UI arrows (SA-MP GUI)
- Changed healing (bandage) sound effect - it's a bit better now
- Added more gym animations (benchpress & freeweights)
- Fixed issue where /removeitems didn't detach all items from player
- Fixed validations & typos
- Group can hold of MAX 5 members (including group leader)
- Group leader can now kick out offline members
- Server now DELETES group data record from Database when leader deletes a group while on the server
- Fixed issue where (offline) members of the group weren't removed from the group when leader deleted the group on the server

- Changed sneak-mode key to CROUCH button. You must hold your crouch button now to toggle the sneak mode (not H anymore)
- Unfreezing signed in participants on event when administrator decided to /event stop
- Unfreezing participant after event has finished (he was frozen when scoreboard was shown)
- Updating Streamer AREA in SetSpawnInfoEx
- Added snow balls (during winter time only). Press ENTER/F (entering vehicle button) to pickup a snow ball and throw it as regular projectiles.
- Added /announce command for all admins lvls
- Added map (hold KEY_NO - by default it's 'N' to view the map). Map shows: QZ, Vendors, your position and people from your group

- Changed KD ratio calculation (thanks @Kwarde)
- New commands: /info (for players) & /getinfo (for admins)
- /settings has been split from general information and that info been moved to /info command. /settings contains now toggleable settings & audio settings
- Resized map icons for the custom map
- Resized players names on the custom map
- Reincarnation appears now as skull on the custom map
- Fast-travel signs are now tagged on mini-map as car icon
- Disallow backpack opening when player isn't able to (via weapon menu and other cases)
- Disallow opening backpack / using weapon menu in admin jail
- Fix NPC Player Reincarnation position on the map
- Potentially fixed people getting kicked from event - Infected waves
- Increased default hearing distance from 10.0m to 20.0m
- Increased hearing distance when using listen-mode action from +20.0m to +30.0m
- Added information about Tools level in /info command (tools used in workbench)
- Fixed picking up Tools items
- Added Jefferson Motel QZ
- Added Vendors to Jefferson Motel QZ
- Added Fast-Travel sign to Jefferson Motel QZ
- Fixed map boundaries
- Hiding players from the map when they are outside of map boundaries
- Applying temporary (time length) animations. Apparently "time" param. in ApplyAnimation is useless
- Minor color embedding adjustments
- Chat animations. Whenever you send a message, you'll apply chat (randomly selected) animation. Animation length is dependent based on your text (message) length.
- Not clearing animations if player is: climbing, swimming, jumping, falling, dead, burning, stunned, switching weapons
- Not applying chat animations when player is: (same as above) + using backpack or workbench
- Not applying chat shout animations when player is: (same as above)
- Splitting chat (players) messages. Max single line length: 72 characters

- No more spawning at Ocean's Docks QZ (this QZ will be developed further later-on post launch)
- Removed THE ONLY vehicle there was in game (it was in outpost22 being fixed by mechanic)
- Admin-Jailing player's that are driving/sitting as passengers (overall are in any vehicle). Vehicles are not going to be supported by game
- Early anti-cheat system. Detecting: AirBreaking (onfoot), Jetpack spawning
- Added information to /keysinfo2 on how to open the map (+ added tips & tricks msg about it)
- Added Jefferson QZ information during introduction (+ edited Ocean's Docks one)
- Added Workbenches to Jefferson QZ and Ocean's Docks QZ
- Improvements to Anti-Cheat (Anti-Airbreak now does a check of 5 before kicking player)
- Disallow damages while in QZ from BOW or Nail bombs

- Fixed disabling sneak-mode
- Fixed anti-bunny hopping
- Admin lvl 3 can't be punished anymore (kick, ban, admin-jail etc.)
- Saving & Loading player's Streamer Visible Items setting from /settings menu
- Changed minimal value of Streamer Visible Items from 400 to 500
- Fixed getting banned information (it was working only for regular bans, and not temp. ones)
- Added information about Time Zone for ban temp. dialog
- Added skin selector, which appears the first time you register on the server and finish your introduction and spawn. When you read your "Welcome dialog message" you'll proceed to skin selection. Players can do that only ONCE. Exclusive skins are available only for VIPs.
- Added VIP system where:
a) /vip command has different behavior for admin lvl 3, VIP member and a regular player. When you access it as VIP member, you can check your VIP expire date and change your skin character model. While as regular play can only get information on how to become a VIP member.
b) VIP expires automatically (no matter if you are on the server or not)
c) VIP expire date is also available in /info command (only if you are a VIP member)
d) /vc for VIP Chat
e) /vips for VIPs online (available only for Admins & VIPs)
f) VIP color above head is GOLD while regular players is WHITE
g) Exclusive skins: Joel, Ellie, Tess, Hazmat Soldier
- Player is now in Ignore-Mode (for NPCs) while watching introduction
- (/r)adio command sends now also message to the chat: "Nick (radio): your_message_here"
- Updates & fixes

- Fixed issue where player's nickname label wasn't created after registering
- Better KD calculations (no more negative numbers)
- Added 9MM to anti-cbug system
- Fixed minor issue with DB (didn't check for rows count first)
- Added area to the event "Kill The Most Infected". If Infected leave the area, they'll get kicked and event will finish.
- Adjusted Infected Waves Event area ID to be more accurate
- Restored removed object model: Big Smoke Crackden wall
- Fixed issue where animations were not cleared after getting stunned (by smoke bomb or spore from bloater)
- Added Anti Slide Bug
- Timer to hide Tips & Tricks message is now assigned to variable. Timer is stopped whenever is needed (for example when it is used by /announce command)
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